Tape Transfers


We offer high-quality transfers of common video tape formats, including:

Magnetic video tape for the consumer market was never meant as a long-term storage medium and has an average lifespan of around 20 years.  Many factors can affect how well our home video recordings have held up over time.  Recordings on older tapes manufactured in the 1980's are sometimes in better condition than recordings made on tapes in the 1990's because the consumer market for blank tapes became flooded with thinner, cheaper tapestocks.


The bottom line is: the older your tapes get the more likely they are to develop playback problems.  The best solution is to have them transferred to a digital medium like DVD while they're still playable.

Video Tape Transfer Pricing Guide

Imagewërks offers two services

for tape transfers.

TAPE to DVD Transfers

We work with you to organize your tapes and gather information that we will use to develop a custom DVD menu, disc artwork and case insert.  Tapes are inspected before transfer for any mechanical issues,  and repairs made if necessary.  Chapter stops are inserted to match changes in scenes allowing you to quickly navigate from one scene to the next.


Now you can transfer your tapes to a digital file format to play on your computer and mobile devices, or upload to share on YouTube, Vimeo or save in cloud storage.  This can be an add-on to a DVD transfer order or done as a standalone service if you do not require your videos to be on disc.  A USB thumb drive sized to fit your order will be included in your order total at cost.

Our transfer systems use high quality Sony VTR's with time-base correction (TBC), not inferior all-in-one units, to give you the best quality transfer available.  Make sure to watch our short sample above.


TAPE to DVD Transfers

 $25/tape up to 2 hrs.*

Includes Master Disc

Additional copies are $15 each.



$20/tape up to 2 hrs.*

$5/half hour as an add-on

to TAPE to DVD Transfers.

A USB thumb drive sized to fit your order

will be included in your order total at cost.


*If tapes exceed 2 hrs add

$5 for each additional half hour.

$20/tape minimum setup charge

if less than 30 minutes.

Not sure what you have?  Tap on the formats below for a description of common tape formats.